Gail has curated exhibitions, events, concerts , screening programs and festivals. Taking a grass roots approach, she curates in order to nurture the culture and context that is conducive to experimental practice across sound and media arts.

Sounding the Future
curated by Gail Priest
UTS Gallery, 1 August - 22 September 2017
Artists: Gail Priest, George Poonkhin Khut, Pia van Gelder & Tom Smith and Peter Blamey
Curator: Gail Priest
Sounding the Future is an exhibition curated by Gail Priest that speculates about what art in the future will sound like. The exhibition presents sonic “possibles and potentials” ranging from almost-here transhuman mediations, to far-future post-anthropocene aftermaths, with some apocalyptic contingencies in between. We always speak of “visions of the future,” but what if we were to let the auditory realm lead our imaginings? Does the dialogue about futurity take on new dimensions when considered through a different sense ratio? These dreams of future soundings, inflected by our present day, also offer reflections on how we listen now. The artists have developed new work that considers the impacts of new technologies, degrading environmental conditions and the prospect of a post-human world.
Download Sounding the Future Catalogue (PDF 2.8 MB)
with essay by Dr Lizzie Muller

Pretty Gritty
107 Projects 2013-2017
Artists: Medicine Voice, Shoeb Ahmad, Lortica & When We Never, Dan Mackinlay, Kynan Tan, Marieke Verbiessen, Actual Russian Brides, catfingers, Trinity, emeidos, Jasmine Guffond, Happy Axe, Daniel Whiting, Astrid Zeman, Clocks & Clouds, Luke Jaaniste, Clare Cooper, Kusum Normoyle, VAVENGE (Morton, Dan, Earle & Guerra), Jannah Quill, Ivan Lisyak, Athrotaxis, Alex Whillas, Steffan Ianigro, Monica Brooks, Corin, Andrew Tuttle, AFXJIM, Sam James, Matthew Syres, An Infinity Room, Pia van Gelder, LAKIDKI, Rainbow Vomit & Cum Bubbles, James Heighway - Spiders, Dale Gorfinkel, Peter Blamey, Jacqui O'Reilly, hz, GoldModeL, Scissor Lock, Knife Crimes, Defektro, Cat Hope, Jon Drummond, Alon Islar - Airsticks, Tina Havelock Stevens, Tony Osborne, Donna Hewitt, Heartswin, Kate Carr, Ollie Bown, Melissa Hunt, Andrew Gadow, The Children's Encyclopaedia, The Tormentor, Paneye, Andy Rantzen, James Brown, Jon Hunter, Alexander Rishaug, Pimmon, Christian Moraga, Michaela Davies & the Involuntary Orchestra, raven, Julian Knowles.
Producer-Curator: Gail Priest
For just under 5 years Gail produced a roughly bi-monthly gig series presenting over 50 national and international artists exploring the a range of experimental music and audiovisual mode. Each event was accompanied by a mostly home-cooked thematic confectionary to keep the spirits high.
See the Pretty Gritty archive
Listening Visions
Screening Program, 70mins
14 November 2014, Rencontres Bandits-Mages, Bourges, France
Artists: Robin Fox, Thembi Soddell & Anthea Caddy, Kynan Tan, Machine Death, Andrew Gadow, Lawrence English
Curator: Gail Priest
Listening Visions is a screening and listening program highlighting the work of innovative Australian sound and media artists. Interspersed between short audiovisual works are pure aural experiences, allowing the audience to contemplate the powerful effect vision has on hearing while also appreciating sound as a non-retinal medium.
Image: Robin Fox, Volta (video still)
More on Listening Visions
ArtBar: Rapture/Rupture
27 June 2014, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
As part of Performance Space's Sonic Social
Artists: Pimmon, Scisssor Lock, Cat Hope, Daniel Whiting, Michaela Davies, Peter Blamey, Andrew Gadow, Julian Day, Luke Janniste, Gail Priest & Kate Carr, Sam James with screenings by Robin Fox, Kynan Tan & Rachel Watts + more
Curator: Gail Priest
Sound moves us because it moves through us. Sonic waves penetrate our bodies and make our viscera tremble—the louder the sound the more we vibrate. Rapture/Rupture will offer audio experiences and performances that aim for maximum molecular movement—dancing on the inside.
Image: Cat Hope performing at MCA's ArtBar, phot Alex Davies.
More photos of ArtBar:Rapture/Rupture
New Weird Australia: VOX
Compilation co-curators: Gail Priest & Stuart Buchanan(NWA010)
Artists: Kusum Normoyle, Paul Heslin, Amanda Stewart, The Deadly Nightshades, Kucka, Mimic Mass, Holy Balm, Major Napier, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Donna Hewitt, Skyneedle, Furchick, Scissor Lock, Mosaic Mosaic, Ronnu Panda, Rabbit Island, Juarez.
A compilation released by the New Weird Australia initiative featuring Australian artists working across pop and exploratory music, using voice as the primary instrument.
Listen to VOX
Heavy Ecstasy:
part of the Biennale of Sydney 2010
3 July 2010, Artspace, Sydney
Artists: Mandala Trap (Jeff Burch from Songs & Paul Gough aka Pimmon), Machine Death (Ben Byrne & Ivan Lisyak)
Curator: Gail Priest
During the 2010 Sydney Biennale, Artspace was an Australian outpost of the famous Tokyo music club Superdeluxe. A number of Australian artists were invited to be guest programmers. Gail curated an evening titled Heavy Ecstasy.

What Survives: Sonic Residues in Breathing Buildings
24 March 24-15 April 2006, Performance Space Galleries
Installation Artists: Alex Davies, Nigel Helyer, Jodi Rose. Sound Station Artists: Garry Bradbury, Joyce Hinterding, Aaron Hull, Somaya Langley, Sumugan Sivanesan, Amanda Stewart
Curator: Gail Priest
An exhibition exploring the real and imagined remnants of human presence in architecture. The structures we build bear silent witness to human behaviour—what have the walls, beams and girders absorbed and what sonic secrets can be coaxed back out of them? Does this ephemeral material influence the energy of the spaces we inhabit? Taking inspiration from Rilke What Survives explores the indestructibility of energy and its subsequent transformations and manifestations.
See What Survives catalogue
unNatural Selection
17 March-16 April 2006, Manning Regional Gallery Taree,
Artists: Melanie Foster, Matt Gardiner, Daniel Green, Robin Petterd, Jasper Streit
Curator: Gail Priest
An exhibition of sculpture and installation driven or inspired by technology. The chosen works are experiments in re-creating and re-interpreting natural elements and environments through the most unnatural means. The works are animated, almost alive, responding to touch or presence, some sustaining themselves though their own feedback loops, offering different mediated environments for future fantasy habitation.
See unNatural Selection catalogue
Electrofringe 2003-4
Festival for Emerging Media Artists
This is Not Art Festival, Newcastle, Australia
Electrofringe was a five day festival of digital, electronic and new media arts. It was dedicated to unearthing emergent forms, highlighting nascent trends and encouraging young and emerging artists to further explore technology and its creative possibilities. Gail was a co-director for the 2003/2004 iterations.
More on ElectrofringeOther curatorial activies
Circadian Rhythms, Artspace, Sydney
14 September 2007
Artists: Tarab, Jim Denley &, Gail Priest. Curator: Gail Priest.
Immersion: Electrical Empathy
11 - 16 June 2007, Performance Space @ CarriageWorks
Artists/producers: Samuel James & Gail Priest
Collaborators: Cicada (Nick Ritar, Kirsten Bradley), Scott Morrison, Peter Newman, Jason Sweeney & Ai Yamamoto
More on Immersion: Electrical Empathy
June, September, December 2005, Medium Rare Gallery, Redfern
A series of event in Sydney featuring performances by sound & audiovisual artists plus screenings of experimental video works.
Producer-curator: Gail Priest
# 1 - Winter edition
Into the tumult sent an alien sound*
Thurs June 23, 2005
# 2 - Spring edition
The heart was almost mine with which I felt
Thurs Sept 1, 2005
# 3 - Summer edition
So that the blood will laugh in our veins
Tues December 13 2005
dLux Media Arts, d.Art.04 Sound
17-27 June 2004, Sydney Opera House Exhibition Hall
Artists: Vicky Brown, Ben Byrne, Tim Catlin, Takumi Endo (Japan), Kazumichi Grime & Anthony Guerra, Camilla Hannan, Gintas Kraptavicius (Lithuania), Jesper Norda (Sweden), Phillip Pietruschka, Matt Warren
Curator: Gail Priest
AlternaTerraZones - Transmediale 04
4 February 2004, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Screening program curated by Gail Priest and Vicky Clare, drawn from the Electrofringe selection for Transmediale Fly Utopia festival. Gail also attended the festival to present the program.
Hold on… and Sounds like
2003/2004 Performance Space
Sound exhibitions curated for the hold music of Performance Space
Curators: Gail Priest & Michaela Coventry
2003 - Artists: d.haines, Hydatid, Snagglepussy, Tim Koch, toydeath, mik la vage, djbc
2002 - Artists: Ai Yamamoto, Lawrence English, Boo Chapple, Rose Turtle-Ertler, Jasmin Guffond