4 February 2004, Transmediale 04: AlternaTerraZones, Berlin
Screening Program & presentation
Curators: Gail Priest and Vicky Clare
(drawn from the Electrofringe03 selection)

3.2seconds, Tania Doropoulos
Developmental avarice, the toll of modern consumption and warmongering is juxtaposed with the pursuit of ideal communities, optimistic visual meditations and escape routes from reality. Looking at place and travelling through space, these works propose alternative strategies for seeing and being
Electrofringe is a media arts festival dedicated to unearthing emergent forms, highlighting nascent trends and encouraging young and developing artists to explore technology and its creative possibilities. It is an annual festival that takes place in Newcastle, 2.5 hours North of Sydney. These works have been chosen from the ElectroProjections Screening Program which was curated by the directors Gail Priest and Vicky Clare from an open call for entries. "
(Program Notes)
Squat the Lot, 2002 (20min)
Justin Hewitson
The Amateur Developer’s Handbook, 2002 (7min)
Antonia Fredman
And so in the end I arrived, I’d sent the package but you were nowhere to be seen, 2003 (7.30min)
Scott Morrison
3.2 seconds, 2003 (5.20min) Tania Doropolous
Pills, 2003 (8 min)
Anto Skene
Today’s Children Tomorrow’s Minions, 2003 (1min)
Daniel Green
The Way, 2003 (7min)
Qing Wang
Mapping the living ghost phase 002, 2003 (2.30min)
Tanya V
Spaceship Earth, 2002 (7min)
Tim Parish
The Bedroom, (1min)
Sumugan Sivanesan

Mapping the Living Ghost, Tanya V
Gail Priest's attendance at Transmediale was assisted by ANAT's Workshop and Conferences Travel Fund.