Sounding the Future
2014-2017, Australia Council Emerging & Experimental Art Fellowship Project
Sounding the Future brings together the worlds of speculative fiction and audio art. It is an intensive program of research and creative development that seeks to predict what art in future will sound like. This act of prediction is inevitably informed by the present and thus it also takes stock of the sound of art today. Undertaken over four years Sounding the Future resulted in a body of ficto-critical works delivered via gallery installation, radiophonic presentation and e-publishing.

Sounding the Future - UTS Gallery
1 August - 22 September, UTS Gallery
featuring: George Poonkhin Khut, Pia van Gelder & Tom Smith, Peter Blamey
curator: Gail Priest
Sounding the Future e-publication
Exhibition catalogue and interactive hyptertext presenting the body of work developed for the Sounding the Future exhibition, in multitouch iBook format and interactive PDF

ISEA2016 Hong Kong
Sounding the Future presented as part of the Juried Exhibition
18-22 May 2016, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre,
Hong Kong
ABC's Soundproof
3 fiction streams from STF adapted for radio
Episode 1: Sound Shot -
23 September 2016
Episdoe 2: Battery Life -
7 October 2016
Episode 3: Green [glitch] zone - 28 October 2016
Welltuned City in continent journal
One stream from Sounding the Future presented as part of the Acoustic Infrastructures edition of continent journal

.moveON, Werkleitz
Exhibition of the 1st iteration of the Sounding the Future project.
9-25 October 2015
Halle, Germany
Impakt Festival, Utrecht
Artist panel presenting STF - The Secret Life of Technology
1 November 2015